Nagoorin is a small, rural, multi-age school nestled in the picturesque Boyne Valley, 65 kilometre South-West of Gladstone in Central Queensland.
On 18 October 1915 Nagoorin State School first opened its doors in the tiny building now housing our library with Miss Hayden as our first teacher. The school grew quickly alongside the new township leading to the building of a larger school in the early 1930’s along with a tennis court for the local tennis club.
Today our school is surrounded by mature stands of pines and bird attracting shrubs, fruit trees and roses planted by past students who would be amazed at the new community room alongside our permanent oval with football and cricket facilities, shaded playgrounds including fitness equipment obtained through funds raised by our active community minded P&C.
Community and parent involvement through our P&C is a highlight where everyone’s opinion is valued and respected. Everyone works as a team to provide a range of school activities and events such as cluster days with other Boyne Valley schools, Country Women's Association (CWA) international competition, maintaining our beautiful school grounds through regular 'Green Days', P&C fundraising, and annual school camp.
Current projects include can, plastic and battery recycling, vegetable gardening and participation in the Boyne Valley Markets with our Project Club which raises moneies for the school and worthwhile causes.
There is a focus on real life learning through these and other activities that are relevant to our students, encouraging them to ‘be the best you can be’ using a 'can do' attitude. We believe every child can learn. Personalised attention in an inclusive family style setting that builds on the strengths of each student.
Our school hours are 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. School shirts and hats are available through the P&C in our school colours of forest green and gold.